We are partnered with Hope For Justice
to join the fight against modern slavery that
is so rife within our industry.
With the support of our brilliant customers, we make a donation for every single car clean.

“Human trafficking is one of the most serious and barbaric crimes, profiting from human misery. Our response is a strategic one: focus on excellence, professionalism and outcomes to help victims find healing, hope and justice.
Now is the time for all of us to act and end suffering.”N. Wain - International Programme Director, Hope for Justice
The impact
• £25 could provide a hot meal and a change of clothes on the day of rescue
• £50 could provide the first good night’s sleep in emergency accommodation for an adult victim
• £100 could provide an interpreter for a rescue and help a survivor tell their story
• £500 could provide everything a survivor needs in the first 48 hours of freedom
• £5,000 could fund an entire investigation to rescue someone trapped in modern slavery

Hope for Justice is a charity that has global projects aiming to end modern slavery through the prevention of exploitation, rescue of victims, the recovery of their lives and social reform.
In the U.K. there are over 24,000 cases of modern slavery within the carwash industry - we take a stand against this, not only with our ethos but through our actions.
We support their projects, raise awareness and as well as giving a donation for every car we valet, we will also match fund donations from our customers, which will be offered after each valet. This feature will be available through our website from November 2021.
Did you know?

1 in 4 victims of modern
slavery globally are children.

77% of business leaders expect to find modern slavery in their operations or supply chains.

16.3m forced labour cases, 15.4m forced marriages, 3.8m domestic serivtude cases, 3.8m forced sexual exploitation in adults and 1m in children.

Modern slavery generates
121 bn Pounds in profit yearly, worldwide.
Inform yourself, stay educated by frequently researching, follow charities on social media and subscribe to their newsletters - share their work and discuss their projects with friends and family. Sign petitions and donate where you can.
Identify with the Safe Car APP if your local car wash has modern slavery markers and what to do if so. You can find more information here.
What can you do?